Twa months ago, we didna ken,
yer name or ocht aboot ye
But lots of things have changed since then,
I really must salute ye
Yer spreading rate is quite intense,
yer feeding like a gannet
Disruption caused, is so immense,
ye’ve shaken oor wee planet.
Corona used tae be a beer,
they garnished it wae limes
But noo it’s filled us a’ wi’ fear
These days, are scary times.
Nae shakin hawns, or peckin lips,
it’s whit they a’ advise
But scrub them weel, richt tae the tips,
that’s how we’ll a’ survive
Just stay inside , the hoose, ye bide
Nae sneakin oot for strolls
Just check the lavvy every hoor
And stock-take, your, loo rolls
Our holidays have been pit aff
Noo that’s the Jet2 patter
Pit oan yer thermals, have a laugh
And paddle ‘ doon the waater ‘
Canary isles, no for a while
Nae need for suntan cream
And awe because o this wee bug
We ken tae be..19
The boredom surely will set in,
But have a read, or doodle
Or plan yer menu for the month
Wi 95 pot noodles.
When these run oot, just look aboot
A change, it would be nice
We’ve beans and pasta By the ton
and twenty stane o rice.
So dinny think yell wipe us oot
Aye true, a few have died
Bubonic, bird flu, and Tb
They came, they left, they tried
Ye might be gallus noo ma freen
As ye jump fae cup tae cup
But when we get oor vaccine made
Yer number will be up.
Willie Sinclair
March 2020
No flour in Scotland!
When will we see
Sliced breid again?
No Mother’s Pride for
Your wee bit piece and jam
No cheesy toasties
(fur who?)
Wur tartan army
Just pictures of empty shelves
Aye, blink again!
Those days are past now
But icy blast, it may remain
But we might still drive (how?)
Tae get tae Asda again
And stand in queues there
(Whit for?)
Wur milk, breid an whisky,
And carry them homewards
Tae drink again…
A Scottish Poem – St Andrews Night 2019
Why is it that our hearts stir when we hear the bagpipes play?
Why do we feel at home when we live so far away?
Why do we feel a sense of pride when we see that saltire fly?
Although it may seem strange to some perhaps I can tell you why…
When you are born of Scottish blood something strange takes place
As if a seed is planted inside which makes you fiercely proud of your race
This Scottishness never dies and in your soul it always remains
Because Scotland is as much a part of you
As the blood that flows through your veins