Burns Nicht

Burns Nicht is a special celebration of the life and poetry of the Scots poet Robert Burns and is usually held on or around the poet’s birthday on January 25 every year.

The meal/supper typically will include haggis. For instructions on how to cook haggis, take a look at this recipe.

Below you can find some examples of poems by Robert Burns. These are in PDF format.


Address to a Haggis

This was written as a celebration of the Scottish dish and is often recited as part of Burns’ Nicht Supper proceedings. As the language can be difficult to understand, we have included a translated version alongside the original text.

Address to a Toothache

‘Address to a Toothache’ and ‘To a Mouse’ were recited by the 2017 winners of the Northampton Schools’ Burns’ Poetry Reading Competition.

Handsome Nell

To a Mouse

‘Handsome Nell’ and ‘To a Mouse’ were recited by the 2016 winners of the Northampton Schools’ Burns’ Poetry Reading Competition.